Freedom Day!….???

At last…..Monday 19th July FREEDOM DAY! Well, possibly, maybe, could be…. We have waited a long long time to be able to reclaim a touch of normality, and Monday is the promised day. Mind you since the promise of no going back, cases have risen steeply,...
Birthday Wishes!

Birthday Wishes!

Many years ago, whilst looking for a Kitchen Assistant, we received a phone call from an applicant whose first words were “You should know that I’m over 60 though” “No problem”, was the reply, “We have someone here who is over...

Where did we get those paintings?

That seems to be the question we have been asked more than any other since we re-opened after both covid and our re-fit. They are good, aren’t they! They are all by Manchester-born artist E.Anthony Orme and the new Orme Galleries recently opened at Park 66,...

Father’s Day Sunday 20th June

Go on, give Dad a treat! No need to book, unless there are four or more, in which case give us a ring on 0161 761 1191. Just turn up and let’s look after Dad on his special day. Full menu and great service. What more can we say?!

Come on….one last push!

Well…..we were expecting it, were we not? Yes, it’s frustrating that the final exit from these horrible lock-downs has been delayed, but if I’m totally honest, if another four weeks allows so many more people to be vaccinated, leaving a much lesser...