by Melanie Filidoro | Jul 24, 2020 | News
y Tony was asked to give his opinions regarding the impact that Covid19 has had on business. This is available to listen to: In Conversation: Anthony Cunningham episode of The Leaders Council – Industry This was listed on 23rd July, so hopefully you willlisten to his...
by Melanie Filidoro | Jul 17, 2020 | News
If you walk past the Tearoom at the moment you may be wondering what has happened. Have they done a moonlight flit? Where has everything gone? Who are those strangers working in there? All reasonable questions. Well….we’ve taken this opportunity whilst...
by Melanie Filidoro | Jul 2, 2020 | News
The Government has given pubs, restaurants and cafes the green light to re-open from 4th July. However, the restrictions imposed are so severe that any attempt to re-open for smaller premises would probably prove futile. We’ve given serious consideration to the...
by Melanie Filidoro | May 28, 2020 | News
Well here we are at the end of May and still we await news of when we can re-open. All our staff at LECKENBY’S TEA ROOM are itching to get back, and we are the same. Problem is, that until “Social Distancing” is removed, it’s almost impossible...
by Melanie Filidoro | Apr 12, 2020 | News
Just to let you know that today, Easter Sunday, is one of only four days a year that we are closed. Mmmm! Doesn’t quite apply this year does it?! This horrible virus continues to cause severe disruption to the lives of just about everyone around the world, and...
by Melanie Filidoro | Apr 6, 2020 | News
Here we are, or rather, are not! Now into the third week of this horrible disease and all the disruption that it has caused. Needless to say, our thoughts are with you all and we trust you are all feeling well, if a little frustrated. It seems so unusual to be closed....