by Melanie Filidoro | Feb 18, 2020 | News
Once again LECKENBY’S LICENSED TEAROOM has been granted a FIVE STAR AWARD from the Food Agency….the top mark available. The review was carried out on Tuesday 11th February 2020.
by Melanie Filidoro | Feb 11, 2020 | News
It’s that time again when we draw out of the hat the latest winner of our PROSECCO AFTERNOON TEA FOR TWO. In December the winner was SUE SUTHERLAND. The JANUARY recipient is MICHAEL O, so well done! For your chance to be the February winner, all you need to do...
by Melanie Filidoro | Dec 27, 2019 | News
Apologies for the recent disruption caused by various work that has gone on at LECKENBY’S TEAROOM. We’ve had a bit of an overhaul which has seen the toilet out of action, on and off, for the last few weeks (fortunately the Mill Gate Centre’s toilet...
by Melanie Filidoro | Dec 24, 2019 | News
Our THIRD edition of LECKENBY’S pick-up Newsletter is now available. Containing our Menu inside, it features the usual news items and a “For Fun Only” Quiz, which is always worth testing your knowledge on! These are available outside the Tearoom, so...
by Melanie Filidoro | Dec 24, 2019 | News
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our customers! Wishing you all an enjoyable time over the festive period and a peaceful and successful 2020! We are closed CHRISTMAS DAY, BOXING DAY and NEW YEAR’S DAY (That’s 3 of our 4 closed days throughout the year within a...
by Melanie Filidoro | Dec 7, 2019 | News
The latest winner of our Monthly Draw for PROSECCO AFTERNOON TEA FOR TWO has been announced and it’s many congratulations to (Trupet will now sound!)……. HELEN MADDEN Well done Helen, yours was the name drawn out from everyone who has taken the time...